“Why are there Beings at all, instead of nothing…”


Existential-Phenomenological Therapy

Existential-Phenomenology has it’s foundations in philosophical thinking in that it seeks to get to the meaning of lived experience through the careful description, philosophical analysis and subjective exploration of human experience itself, as it reflects our values, sense of purpose, ideals, intentions, emotions and relationships.  Furthermore, Existential-Phenomenology proposes that all reflections, analyses and interpretations regarding every aspect of our human existence stem from our inter-relationship with it.  In the context of therapy therefore, it suggests that the therapist or counsellor, can never be truly objective.  Rather, we bring to the therapy relationship aspects of our own self, our sense of ‘being’ and our own experiences.  We become part of the process of co-creating meaning with the client by our capacity to feel, sense and connect – and hence, by virtue of the relationship we develop with the client.

“We know not through our intellect but through our experience…”

Maurice Merleau-Ponty