“All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows will spring.
Renewed is the blade that was broken, the crownless again shall be King…”

JRR Tolkien

The story of wayfarer

For me, the Wayfarer conjures up an image of the Hermit setting off on a quest, staff and lantern in hand.  The Hermit traditionally represents the notion of withdrawing inward, seeking solitude and time for introspection, contemplation, self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.  I think of the Hermit and the Wayfarer, as the seeker, the explorer, the wanderer, the soul searcher, the luminary, the philosopher, the idealist, the dreamer, the visionary, the revolutionary, the creator; … all who are searching.  They represent those of us on a quest and journey of wonder and curiosity, seeking to ponder, discover, learn, know, create and grow.  The Hermit seeks to know oneself more deeply; to be curious in understanding who they are, in their internal world and the world of other.   And, perhaps most profound, is that once knowing the ‘Self’ and their purpose, one finds greater possibility and sense of empowerment to leave their mark and make a difference in the world.  Put simply, the Hermit and hence, the Wayfarer, represent the quest for self-discovery and meaning, and the reclaiming of our personal power in the pursuit of living purposefully and authentically…

“Put simply, the Hermit and hence, the Wayfarer represent the quest for self-discovery, meaning and purpose,
and the reclaiming of our personal power in the pursuit of living authentically…”

The Way of the Wayfarer

The Wayfarer undertakes the journey on foot, knowing intuitively that this is the only way.  For only walking awakens the spirit and affords us a fully immersive and sensory experience, allowing one to see, hear, feel, smell and taste all that the journey offers.  Walking the journey allows for all perspectives and pathways to be explored, to be able to feel into both the pain and the joy of it; to see not just the beauty and magic, but also the forbidding nature and desolation of the terrain.  And, as with the cycles of day and night, of the movement of time and space and of our being within it, journeying on foot allows us to likewise gradually move through moments and periods of darkness with a deep inner knowing and belief that we can, and will, eventually emerge back into the light once again…

Wayfarers therefore, must be brave, curious and determined.  They must be open, courageous and trusting.  For the journey is tough going.  It is not for the faint hearted.  There is a hero and warrior in every Wayfarer.  They are intuitive and wise.  They will know when to share the journey with another and when they must go it alone.  They must know when to rest and when to push through. They must be creative, resourceful and humble…and they must believe; believe in themselves and in the process that is the journey.  For the journey is ever evolving and ever unfolding.  There is no truly ultimate arrival point that tells us the journey has ended, only death.  The Wayfarer’s journey becomes one of deeply held wisdom and knowing; an understanding that the journey lasts as long as the Wayfarer walks this earth.  There is no final destination, only the journey itself.   The Wayfarer will however, arrive at many places along the way, come to many crossroads and signposts.  They will revel in wonder at their experiences and discover new pathways and new frontiers. There will be moments of insight and revelation when the Wayfarer will see more clearly their vision and purpose.  They will know the places they cannot simply pass through; those places of powerful learning and challenge that call them to action and revolution; to fight the fight and push for change.  To ‘be there’ fully.  To make a difference.

The Wayfarer will encounter many challenges and struggles along the way.  They will likely slip and fall.  But equally, the Wayfarer has the will and determination to pick themselves up again.  Many goals, accomplishments and triumphs can be achieved if they are willing to persevere and bravely overcome the obstacles.  There will be places reached where the Wayfarer wishes to stay, but the Wayfarer will always know that ultimately the time will come when they must leave and continue on their way.  There is grief in the shedding and in leavings and endings.   There is often sadness and tears, but still the Wayfarer’s journey will continue and must always prevail.  Theirs is the journey and path of the Heart Warrior.  It is characterised by a powerful yearning of the heart, and a deeply felt knowing and meaningful purpose of the soul….it compels the Wayfarer to push through and bravely journey ever more deeply onwards into the darkness inspite of vulnerability and fear, in the hope, and belief, of emerging ever so further into the light….